Examples of initiatives

CRR’s initiatives towards to each Materiality

Environment (E)

Materiality Policy Status/Initiatives
Reducing environmental impact 1. Energy use: Medium- to long-term target of 1% average annual reduction in energy use intensity.
2. Energy-related CO2 emissions: by 2030, 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions intensity (vs.2020).
3. Disclosure of information pertaining to climate change response and initiatives
Implementation of energy efficiency retrofits
Acquisition of environmental certifications/assessments, etc.
Efforts to improve waste management
Introduction of green leases
•Monitoring by Sustainability Promotion Council
Promotion of environment-friendly procurement through “The Basic Policy on Sustainable Procurement” and “Green Procurement Standards”
Supporting initiatives that are in line with TCFD recommendations through climate action standards
Relevant SDG Targets

7.3 By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency

12.5 By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.

12.8 By 2030, ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature


Materiality Policy Status/Initiatives
Human capital development as a group of professionals Refer to the “Our Commitment” by the Asset Management Company for the policy and details of the initiatives.
Contribution to the region 1. Further improvement in disaster prevention functions
2. Prompt recovery of assets under management
3. Educational activities on fire and disaster prevention and disaster response
4. Enhanced cooperation with local community
Capital expenditure from disaster prevention perspective
Public disclosure of evacuation sites/emergency reserves, etc.
Relationship with local community (Corporation with local events, local disaster prevention, disaster response and infectious disease prevention etc.)
Health and well-being of tenants • Improve tenant satisfaction Check satisfaction via tenant survey and respond to comments by tenants
Distribute guide map on managed facilities
Deploy tenant service leveraging on group resources
Hold tenant participation events
Supplier engagement • Aim for smooth property management by utilizing expert know-how of Tokyu Housing Lease, Tokyu Community, and other support agreement counterparties in Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group. Share information and actively work on environmentally friendly procurement with PM/BM • Build and promote collaborative structure through periodic monitoring
Promote collaboration with all stakeholders through “The Basic Policy on Sustainable Procurement” and “Green Procurement Standards”
Relevant SDG Targets

11.3 By 2030, enhance inclusive and sustainable urbanization and capacity for participatory, integrated and sustainable human settlement planning and management in all countries

12.8 By 2030, ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature


Materiality Policy Status/Initiatives
Management framework corresponding to multifaceted social demand towards sustainable society 1. Express statement on governance of the investment corporation
2. Express statement on investment decision making body and the risk management system for investment
3. Establish framework for promoting implementation of the Sustainability Policy
4. Implement human capital management and maintain a resilient management framework
Governance of the investment corporation
Investment decision making body and the risk management system for investment
Establishment of Sustainability Promotion Council for the Asset Management Company
Promotion based on various rules, etc. as well as training which attempt to respond to multifaceted issues including respect for human rights
Establishment of a framework for management of the overall supply chain (Business activities in accordance with the Basic Policy on Sustainable Procurement)
Relevant SDG Targets

12.8 By 2030, ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature

16.7 Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels

Initiatives at Comforia Shinjuku Eastside Tower

  • Initiatives at Comforia Shinjuku Eastside TowerWith a site area of more than 1,000 square meters, Comforia Shinjuku Eastside Tower has developed a greening plan in accordance with the Ordinance for the Conservation and Restoration of Nature in Tokyo, based on which it offers a lush space filled with natural features.
  • Initiatives at Comforia Shinjuku Eastside TowerEnergy-efficient glass is used in the windows to reduce the amount of sunlight and heat that enters, in this way alleviating the burden on the air-conditioning systems.
  • Initiatives at Comforia Shinjuku Eastside TowerA large windowed entrance allows the use of natural daylight.
  • Initiatives at Comforia Shinjuku Eastside TowerAn open space is used as a walkway for neighboring residents and commuters.
  • Initiatives at Comforia Shinjuku Eastside TowerArtworks of our Shinjuku 6-chome Plan Art Project are exhibited on the premises and inside the building.
  • Initiatives at Comforia Shinjuku Eastside TowerAEDs (automated external defibrillators) are installed in the disaster control center and at the pool on the 32nd floor.
  • Initiatives at Comforia Shinjuku Eastside TowerMonthly pool events (SUP YOGA, swimming clinic, water aerobics, etc.) are held exclusively for residents.
  • 【Pamphlets in Foreign Languages】
    To further improve user satisfaction, user guides for residents from overseas are provided at Comforia Shinjuku Eastside Tower. The guides are prepared in English, Chinese, and Korean.
  • 【Resident Satisfaction Surveys】
    A questionnaire survey of residents is carried out once a year and the issues identified are then improved.
    • Room temperature adjustments in each facility
      Cleaning of gym equipment
      Enhancement of lounge menus, etc.

Initiatives for improving energy efficiency

In conformity to the Act on the Rational Use of Energy(Energy Conservation Law), we set an annual average cutting target of 1% in each energy sources for the entire portfolio and also for each property in the medium- to long-term.

Switching to LED lights in common areas

For environmental conservation, the Investment Corporation has been switching to LED lights in the common areas of properties. This will help reduce power consumption and environmental impact.

  • Switching to LED lights in common areas
  • Switching to LED lights in common areas
  • Switching to LED lights in common areas

Replacing air conditioners in private areas

  • Replacing air conditioners in private areasFor environmental conservation, the Investment Corporation has been replacing air conditioners that have reached a certain number of years since installation in the private areas of properties. This will help reduce power consumption and environmental impact.

Green-lease provisions

  • From the perspective of environmental friendliness, to reduce environmental load in collaboration with residents, we insert green-lease provisions in lease agreements, which are related to energy use and appropriate disposal of waste.

Initiatives in improving waste management

Separate management of waste

  • Separate management of wasteThe Investment Corporation reduces environmental impact at properties through separate disposal of waste in cooperation with the management company. It is also making every effort to improve resident satisfaction by taking measures to reduce odor at garbage collection points.

Providing garbage disposal guides

  • Providing garbage disposal guidesFor environmental conservation, Comforia Shinjuku Eastside Tower offers guidance on separate disposal of garbage in the user guides for residents.

Initiatives to improve tenant satisfaction


  • COMFORIA WELBOXCOMFORIA WELBOX provides a wide range of services to the residents of the Comforia series, which are operated by the Investment Corporation. In addition to various discounts using the Group’s resources, we offer preferential rates for moving to another property in the Comforia series and we carry out resident satisfaction surveys using the COMFORIA WELBOX platform in an effort to improve resident satisfaction with the aim of encouraging longer periods of residence.

Tenant satisfaction survey

  • Tenant satisfaction surveyEvery year we carry out a questionnaire survey of the residents of the Comforia series, which are operated by the Investment Corporation, on the Comforia brand as well as residents’ satisfaction and requests regarding management and operation.
    Based on the opinions and requests of residents, we take action with the aim of providing better services.
    An example of how we have improved tenant satisfaction is the increase in the number of delivery lockers in response to the opinion that there were not enough lockers due to the recent rise of e-commerce.

Supply of emergency kits and evacuation map

  • Supply of disaster kits
    <Emergency kits>
    Supply of evacuation map
    <Evacuation map>
    After the Great East Japan Earthquake, to enhance the safety and the sense of security of our residents, we provide emergency kits (emergency food and goods) in the elevators of every property. We also provide waterstops and flood barrier panels at some properties to prepare for inundation, depending on their locations. Additionally, we post evacuation maps in common space of all properties to inform residents of area for evacuation in preparation for an earthquake or other disaster.

Initiatives in local communities

Installation of donation-type vending machines

  • Installation of donation-type vending machinesTo improve the safety and sense of security of residents and the local community, we have installed disaster response vending machines at some of the properties owned by the Investment Corporation. These machines can provide drinks as relief supplies to victims of strong earthquakes, typhoons, and other natural disasters.

Security of the local community

  • Security of the local communityThere is a police box on the premises of Comforia Shinjuku Eastside Tower, contributing to the security of the local community.

Disaster provision warehouse and manhole toilets

  • Disaster provision warehouse and manhole toilets
    <Disaster provision warehouse>
    Disaster provision warehouse and manhole toilets
    <Manhole toilet>
    At Comforia Shinjuku Eastside Tower, we have established a disaster provision warehouse designated by the Shinjuku ward and manhole toilets for neighboring residents and workers in preparation for a disaster. We have also entered into an emergency mutual assistance agreement with three neighboring town councils to strengthen partnerships.

Supplier engagement

The Asset Management Company recognizes the importance of collaboration with a range of stakeholders, including investors, in implementing the Sustainable Policy more specifically and ensuring adequate response to environmental and social issues throughout its supply chains. The Asset Management Company has the “Basic Policy on Sustainable Procurement” and the Green Procurement Standards in place concerning business activities throughout its supply chains. They are inteneded to clarify to suppliers its stance that it will take actions in consideration of environmental and social standards and in compliance with relevant laws in procurement and general transactions, including those with property management companies associated with the Investment Corporation, and to further enhance efforts through mutual understanding and collaboration with suppliers.

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  2. Sustainability
  3. Examples of initiatives

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